RJ2 Perspective
Written by: Jeff Dann, President of RJ2 Technologies
Is My Data Safe in the Cloud?
What is the best way to save your electronic materials, content, photos, etc.? You don’t want to overload your computer or collect a stack of hard drives. It can become expensive and unsafe over time. So, where can you put your data and know that it is secure? With technology at your fingertips 24/7, there is always talk about the cloud. You may want to know how safe cloud data security truly is? Is it the right route for your needs? A simple answer to sum it up for you and give you some reassurance is that information stored in the cloud is likely to be more secure than anything stored on your own device. How so? Again, a quick answer is that cloud companies rely on far more robust and structured cybersecurity measures to protect your sensitive data than yourself or most other avenues. Let’s dive deeper into these answers though.
What Does Cloud Data Security Entail?
As mentioned previously, there are various cloud service providers (and more than the recognizable ones), which means you’ll need to shop around for the right cloud storage services for your own data. You will most likely want to start by considering what exactly you plan to store as well as how you need to access it. When shopping around for your business, you will want certain safety features to exist for cloud data security purposes. Here are some qualities to look for:
- Redundancy across multiple geographic locations. Why? This gives you the opportunity for your data to still be available and accessible in the case of a natural disaster destroying your data in a specific location.
- Multiple-level redundancy. What is this? Multiple copies of your data will exist in the case that a single disk or server fails, it prevents a complete loss of your data.
- Length of time it takes to delete a file across redundant servers within the cloud. Better yet, it’s best to know if your file will ever really be deleted from storage banks in the cloud.
- Find a company with a reputation for exceptional network and physical security overall. This is generally always a good factor to know with any party having access to any piece of your business, especially in regard to your cloud data security provider.
You will want to consult with your managed services provider. They will be able to help you quickly and efficiently find the best options for you and your company’s needs. The cloud is a great option; however, it is not bulletproof. When it comes to your company, you will want and need enterprise-level clouds. Each cloud provider has its own limitations, which means you must take precautions in continuing your overall information protection and cloud data security.
First Things First: What Is The Cloud?
The cloud is defined as a network of servers all across the world that do heavy lifting that companies and individuals essentially may not be interested in. To clarify, these servers do not exist in the sky; they exist on the ground. What exactly are these servers capable of? They can store data, compute data, as well as give people access to files and apps across different devices. How is that possible? Simply because the information is not stored on the devices themselves but rather in the cloud’s servers. This enables you to utilize storage and power beyond your device’s normal capabilities, which is always a plus. Some describe the cloud as any type of service or software that runs on the internet and is not located on your device. The cloud is truly helping solve the ever-present need for more storage space in holding your digital property nowadays.
Who Is Responsible For The Cloud & Cloud Data Security?
Your files, videos and images saved on the cloud services are stored on servers by third parties. Who are these third parties exactly? You may recognize companies such as Microsoft, Google and Amazon. The most popular cloud service providers are Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Amazon Web Services. This means that everything from Gmail and Dropbox to Office 365 and Hulu are hosted in the cloud. You may be asking some questions by now such as the following: Can these companies be trusted? How safe is the cloud data security for your business? Is the cloud susceptible to hackers? Will my data really be safe? These are all valid questions and thoughts regarding the safety and security of your data. We assure you that cloud data security is strong and there are extra measures of precautions you can take to further protect yourself and your business.
Healthy Security Habits For Your Teams With The Cloud
Cloud data security is the practice of protecting and securing a company’s data in your cloud environment, no matter the data location (rest or in motion) and management type (internally or externally by a third party). You want to avoid security breaches, loss or theft of sensitive data, application vulnerabilities and malware propagation. What are the top risks for cloud data security? Those risks being human error, malicious intruders, insider threats, transfer errors, compromised hardware, and configuration errors. Your managed services provider can help you navigate ways to minimize those risks appearing as much as possible. In the meantime, here are some ways you can help yourself boost your cloud data security:
- Discover and categorize your data, especially sensitive data
- Use data masking such as encryption
- Implement the least privilege model
- Audit activity
- Strong password security and habits
Top cloud providers can keep your data safe and consistently accessible. Your company must find a provider that does not have a history of data loss or security breaches. Consult with your IT team and/or managed services provider to find the right fit for your cloud data security needs.
If you want more information regarding cloud options and cloud data security that will benefit you and your organization, contact us today. Regardless of your business size, the benefits of a long-term relationship with a knowledgeable and reliable provider are essential for creating a thriving company. Click here to get in touch with our team of experts.