Web browsers are types of application software that connect you to the internet. When you request information, the browser is responsible for retrieving the necessary content from the world wide web, and displaying it on your device in front of you. As cybercrimes become more widespread, you will need a competent web browser packed with security features that will protect you from malicious harm while searching the internet. We have put together a list of a few good browsers that are safe and come with great security features.
Tor Browser
Tor is the top choice for web browsers when it comes to protecting your privacy. This browser was developed by the famous Edward Snowden, former computer intelligence consultant. Some of the benefits associated with Tor are:
- No one will be able to watch your internet activity such as the webpages you visit.
- It protects your IP address from website operators by showing a connection from “Tor” instead of your real IP address. Basically, no one will no it is you unless you put your credentials out there.
- To keep you completely anonymous, Tor implements many different layers of encryption on your traffic
Brave was developed by JavaScript creator Brendan Eich, and this web browsers main feature is ad blocking. Brave automatically blocks ad trackers and will even go as far as replacing that web pages ads with ads of its own. This is a nice feature since you will not see targeted cookie ads while searching the internet but instead will see ads from Brave. Another great feature is it will not auto-collect your data which allows Brave users to keep their personal data private from potential cybercriminals.
Mozilla Firefox
Unlike Google Chrome or Safari, Firefox is open source, which means cybersecurity experts can review its source code for any potential vulnerabilities. Firefox recently added a new feature called HTTPS-Only Mode. This mode helps to keep your internet activates more secure by only connecting you to websites that are secure. Here are some of the other protection benefits:
- Blocks anyone looking to track you online
- Anti-fingerprinting
- Breached website alerts
- Improved tracking protection
Epic browser was developed with built-in safeguards against third-party widgets, cryptocurrency mining scripts, cookies, and ad tracking scripts. It connects to the internet using an encrypted proxy server to hide a user’s browsing activity and IP address.
Epic is also designed to block calls that carry the risk of leaking your IP address, even if you’re using a virtual private network (VPN). Lastly, this browser comes with a feature that allows users to see who’s tracking them and what trackers have been blocked.
The key to protecting your online data and browsing the internet safely is a secure browser. As to what constitutes as the “best” secure browser depends largely on the needs of your organization. Visit RJ2 Technologies to learn more about protecting your data and how they can help you mitigate risk when surfing the internet.