Enterprise applications are a specialty of RJ2 & Technologies.

Co-Managed IT Services (CoMIT) – Empowering Your IT Team

RJ2 Perspective Written by: Jeff Dann, President of RJ2 Technologies Co-Managed IT Services (CoMIT): Empowering Your IT Team Many businesses deal with internal IT personnel that operate as generalists supporting the user community, the servers, then network and a whole list of additional duties; like line of business applications, cyber security compliance regulations, compliance, and…

RJ2 Perspective – January 2021

RJ2 Perspective Written by: Jeff Dann, President of RJ2 Technologies How Business Tools are Evolving to Support the Virtual Landscape 2020 highlighted some critical business challenges which ultimately became the catalyst for transformational business environments for many organizations.  Requirements for such a rapid deployment to a remote work environment by entire organizations tested Business Continuity…