Are You Taking An Expensive Gamble With Your Company’s Critical Data And Network Security?
To Find Out, See If You Can Say “Yes” To These 5 Simple Questions:
Are you absolutely certain that your data IS being backed up DAILY to a secure, remote location?
Does your IT person conduct a TEST RESTORE of your data at LEAST once a month – and then give you a report to validate all the data is there?
Do you know exactly how fast your network could be back up and running if your server broke down or a disaster happened?
If you had to access your data in an emergency, would you know how to even if your IT guy wasn’t around to help you?
Does your IT person give you a weekly report to verify your network is being monitored 24-7- 365 for hackers, viruses and even internal attacks?
Are You Taking An Expensive Gamble With Your Company’s Critical Data And Network Security?
To Find Out, See If You Can Say “Yes” To These 5 Simple Questions:
Are you absolutely certain that your data IS being backed up DAILY to a secure, remote location?
Does your IT person conduct a TEST RESTORE of your data at LEAST once a month – and then give you a report to validate all the data is there?
Do you know exactly how fast your network could be back up and running if your server broke down or a disaster happened?
If you had to access your data in an emergency, would you know how to even if your IT guy wasn’t around to help you?
Does your IT person give you a weekly report to verify your network is being monitored 24-7- 365 for hackers, viruses and even internal attacks?
Did you answer no to any of these questions?
Don't Gamble Your Business
That’s why I’ve sent you a couple of poker chips. If you don’t know the answers to these basic questions about your company’s data and computer network, then you’re taking a BIG gamble by putting a LOT of faith into someone doing the right thing.

Hope Is NOT A Good Strategy!
And one area we help businesses save money is by preventing sudden “emergency” repair and
restoration services due to an unexpected server crash, hacker attack or other data-erasing disaster. Just one of these incidents can cost you dearly in urgent restoration services, lost productivity and profits from missed sales or failure to deliver work products to clients.
And in the litigious society we live in, you cannot take chances with data security and storage of your backups.
Free IT Assessment Reveals The Truth
And if you’re open to it, I can also pull together a comprehensive report on your current IT spend (and what you’re getting for the money) and compare it against what you could save using advanced cloud- based solutions.
When done, we’ll give you a report of findings that will not only reveal if your data and computer network really is properly backed up and secured, but also if there is anything you need to do now to prevent a major network outage, data loss, hacker attack or other expensive, data-erasing disaster. Plus, we can almost always show you how to save a little (or a LOT) on hardware and software by switching to more efficient cloud computing solutions.

Request a Free IT Assessment
What to do next?
My assistant has been notified to look for your call and will put you through immediately. You can also e-mail me at
P.S. Why take a gamble with your network and critical data? Our free IT Assessment comes with zero strings attached and no obligations (or expectations) on our part. If nothing else it will be a good third- party validation of your current backup and network security.