Virtual Networks: Making Business Safe Again

Can virtual networks bring more than just connectivity? For the average business owner, virtual networks may not seem groundbreaking. And until recently, even the team at VMware didn’t realize just what they could do with it. Now that they’ve publicly announced what they’re calling “Project Goldilocks,” we finally see how relevant it is. Every small-…

4 ways IoT drives Hyperconvergence

The Internet of Things is driving business towards hyperconvergence, but how? From smart thermostats to wearable devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) has reinvented the ways both businesses and individuals connect. Many IT experts have even labeled IoT as a “game changer,” and while we’re usually skeptical of this term when it comes to new…

Virtualization Through Hyperconvergence

Don’t worry, we’ll keep this one simple. Virtualization is confusing enough, and hyperconvergence is one of the newest solutions within the field, making it even harder to grasp. The quick and easy summary is this: Hypconvergence is about virtualizing the hardware and software components required to deploy and manage databases and virtualized desktop infrastructures. Not…