Exploring the Human Cloud’s Benefits

It’s an amazing time to start a business — not only can you take your ideas more quickly to the market, you can do so at lower costs and without the traditional barriers in hiring skilled workers. Talented contractors are now available via the “human cloud” and are ready to help you build and operate…

Set Up Windows 10 on Your Laptop

Now that you bought a new laptop, what should you do with it first? All you have to do is go through Windows 10’s setup, and you’re done, right? Not really. Your computer is not technically ready for action until you do some customization. Let’s get the ball rolling with the following tips. #1 Check…

Protect Your Network from Watering Hole Attacks

With evil elements continuously developing novel ways to infiltrate networks and steal user data, it is more crucial than ever to stay one step ahead of the curve. Protect yourself from cyber criminals by learning more about their methods. Here are some tips to deal with the threat of watering hole attacks: What are watering…